You mean I could choose which hormone I wanted. It’s that simple? Why didn’t anyone tell me this before? Never mind endorphin and cortisol, adrenalin is coursing through me – I’m looking anxiously around the room wondering and my responses to the questions are becoming more and more clipped.

And she’s persisting on asking me about the last time I weighed myself and each time I say to her I don’t weigh myself I go on how my clothes fit, she’ s not getting the hint. And then she condescendingly explains the difference between cortisol and endorphins? I tell her that I get it.

She asks about stress and by now she’s stressing me out and to save myself from punching her I get up to leave but not before I do that dreadful thing of measuring her with my eyes  all her blooming youthfulness and say to her when you are as old as I am and you do as demanding a job as I do – let’s talk about stress and being able to choose between endorphins and cortisol. The dark side’s pull is strong.

I should go back and apologise for losing my temper. But I don’t feel like it. I am Lady of the dark side. However, I believe that Waves needs to understand that they have at least two distinct clienteles – bored non-working women who spend a lot of their time eating and shopping and stressed working women who spend a lot of their time eating and shopping. Within these groups each person is an individual so they should be able to individualise their approach.

Before any of my readers begin to have adrenalin issues – my definition of working is broad and also self selective – if you work either in the house or out or both then you’re in the latter. Additionally, if you live in this part of the desert you understand what I mean by the former group.

But normally after such a stressful session, I’d do the clichéd thing of eating my body weight in something calorific or spending loads of money I don’t have on loads of things I don’t really need. But I did not, I went home and did a Tae Bo DVD – had to blow off layers of dust …

And I had an eureka moment – I could get fit by using the DVDs I have and YouTubing other workouts like Zumba. It worked for a week and then last week I kinda fell off the wagon…

Have you found an innovative solution to a tricky problem?